Faulting at Mid-Ocean Ridge

How faulting styles changes along ridge axis

Detailed comparison of fault geometry before and after the formation of a higher angle normal fault at the magma-rich (“High M”) end of a ridge segment while a large offset normal fault forming at the magma-poor (“Low M”) end. For more, see (Tian and Choi, EPSL, 2017)

The main goal of this project is to understand how magmatic processes at the spreading center of mid-ocean ridge can determine faulting styles that are variable along the ridge axis. A novel aspect of the project is to include explicitly the along-axis variability in magmatic activity. To see some numerical models in action, please go to the project’s Figshare page. We are trying to extend spatial and temporal scales of these models to explore a longer portion of oceanic lithospehre’s lifespan, from birth at mid-ocean ridge to subduction.

Eunseo Choi
Eunseo Choi
Professor in Geophysics

My research interests include long- and short-term tectonic modeling and seismotectonics.